The When-i-get-around-to-it-Blog

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bobby BeauSoleil makes me so mad

Bobby BeauSoleil, good-looking, gifted sixties musician, poet, actor, on Frank Zappa's first record and was the reason the group LOVE was called LOVE ...
Bobby of the Manson in prison for the torture & murder of Music teacher Gary Hinman.

But, is prison really that bad?
This dude has gotten married, has four kids and two grandchildren. He has probably the best My Space site I have seen. He has put out about ten albums and sells them on a website, he does original paintings that go for about $800 to $1000 each and then sells the reproduced prints of those paintings. And, if he gets sick or gets a bad tooth, there is a doctor and dentist ready to fix him up. It makes no sense. Just had to rant HERE, as Marc is starting to accuse me of falling for Bobby :(
....anyway the paintings are really hippie cool...but I would never buy one as the karma coming from the art would just be too fucked up. Get this---an LA museum had a showing of photographs of Sharon Tate, and the very next month had his art hanging. ?!?
In case you are interested in seeing how a murderer lives here is a link to his My Space and his Painting page:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Big Fat Body

Here is me NOT sucking it in....I am starting a regimin TODAY....
Maybe I will Post everything I eat everyday so that people can read...yikes.
Maybe I will reach my dream of getting back to my birthwieght....only a joke. I have to be careful as I am totally freaked out by diets and food.
But I swear i will feel so much better if I just lose about ten pounds. I know nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
I've gained wieght lately, I go up and down..... I am so depressed about this unemployment and our current situation. PLUS, I love chocolate and Mojitos!!!!

F the Lakers

I hate the Lakers----I saw a newscast on TV today and I thought it was more "celebrating fans" but it was footage from Iran!!! California is completely falling apart and broken and these asshole fans are rioting in the streets, looting, vandalizing...unbelievable. Then a 4 million dollar parade? Kobe the rapist makes 45 million bucks a year? Argh....I wrote the editor of our local paper because of how much coverage they gave these "heros"...but barely anything when Obama was elected:

NEWSpaper? Please help me explain to my children how the Lakers win is more newsworthy than the Election of the first Black President of the United States?

Obviously the Press Enterprise knows the answer as 27 pages of your newspaper were devoted to the Lakers the week of their win, while only 5 pages were devoted to the coverage of President Obama the week of his election.

History Lesson?

I have yet to hear from the editor :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

And the WINNER is...

Congratulations Vickie!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Bunny Bloo Raffle - Waiting for a Winner!

Well, stoopid Paypal says I have illegal gambling going on here and that they will cancel my account (which I have bought and sold with for years) if I continue this racket! So, I was going to just choose a winner from last Saturdays Lottery...but as you can see from my number list below...we will have to wait until the NEXT Lotto for a winner. They hold a drawing on Wednesday too, so hopefully I can wrap this up then.....before the cyber cops come for me --eeaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bunny Bloo RAFFLE

$1 each!

Here are the rules:
I´m selling tickets from 01 to 99 at the price of 1 dollar each. Each person can buy a maximum of 10 tickets.
You can choose from the available numbers listed below. I give them in order of asking AND payment. The first to ask for a number and pay it will have it. No number changes allowed once they are marked in the list.

To choose your numbers send an email to with your name or flickrname, and the number or numbers you want. Then send the payment when I mail you back with the confirmation that i have received it.

Payment method for participants is paypal to this address:

The raffle date will be settled as soon as the last ticket has been sold. Then I will use the California Super Lottery from the next saturday to choose the winner with the LAST 2 DIGITS OF THE WINNING NUMBER in that Lottery.

I will announce the winner in this blog
Ship costs by regular mail will be paid by me

This raffle is for all you can see in the pictures (except Jagger, the model):
MINI Bloo Bun, Dress that is hand-dyed and embelished with embroidery and little glass beads and sweet blue knit sweater.

If you dont agree with any of the rules, please do not take part in the raffle.


01. costleyhobby
02. Chmihen
03. Suzanne~in~Phoenix
04. Ardentcurse
05. The Dolly Mama
06. Scrapgrrl
07. Amanda
08. Scrapgrrl
09. The Dolly Mama
10. AZhippiechick
11. costleyhobby
12. Scrapgrrl
13. Chmihen
14. Amanda
15. The Dolly Mama
16. Fishknees
17. Scrapgrrl
18. Cakewalk Queen
19. Ardentcurse
20. Chmihen
21. Amanda
22. Chmihen
23. Dymphna
24. Fishknees
25. Suzanne~in~Phoenix
26. Suzanne~in~Phoenix
27. Scrapgrrl
28. Amanda
29. Ardentcurse
30. AZhippiechick
31. costleyhobby
32. Fishknees
33. Ardentcurse
34. Scrapgrrl
35. Amanda
36. AZhippiechick
37. Fishknees
38. Cakewalk Queen
39. Suzanne~in~Phoenix
40. costleyhobby
42. Amanda
43. Dymphna
44. costleyhobby
45. Roxie315
46. Fishknees
48. Cakewalk Queen
49. Amanda
50. The Dolly Mama
51. AZhippiechick
52. Scrapgrrl
53. costleyhobby
54. Roxie315
55. Suzanne~in~Phoenix
56. Amanda
57. Scrapgrrl
59. Fishknees
60. Suzanne~in~Phoenix
61. Cakewalk Queen
62. costleyhobby
63. Amanda
65. Suzanne~in~Phoenix
66. Roxie315
67. Fishknees
68. AZhippiechick
69. AZhippiechick
70. Amanda
71. Cakewalk Queen
72. Ardentcurse
73. Dymphna
74. Scrapgrrl
75. AZhippiechick
76. Fishknees
77. Scrapgrrl
78. AZhippiechick
79. AZhippiechick
80. Suzanne~in~Phoenix
82. costleyhobby
83. Dymphna
85. costleyhobby
86. Roxie315
87. Dymphna
88. Suzanne~in~Phoenix
90. Fishknees
92. Chmihen
93. Suzanne~in~Phoenix
95. costleyhobby
96. Roxie315
97. Fishknees
98. The Dolly Mama
99. AZhippiechick

Good luck to everyone!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Wineville Chickencoop Murder House

Marc read the book called Nothing is Strange with You, The Life and Crimes of Gordon Stewart Northcott, because the murders covered in this book took place in Mira Loma about 3 miles from where Marc lived. In 1928, The town changed its name from Wineville to Mira Loma because of the stigma attached to the name after the crimes where discovered.

Only the street where the murders occured still bears the original name. Shortly after Marc read the book about the murder case, the Clint Eastwood film Changeling came out, portraying the horrific story of these murders from a differant angle. (We saw the movie recently---excellant!)

The actual house that Gordon Northcott (the boy killer) built and lived in still stands. It just sold after being in foreclosure for $95,000. We went there today, and it was a pretty creepy overcast day and knowing the history of the tiny farmhouse gave me chills. The property next door still has some of the Chicken Coop structures where the killings took place. The people that live there say that the area is haunted.

The photo on the top to the left, shows the house in 1928, after the gristly killings were uncovered. The bottom photo is from yesterday, the house still looks very similar, and alot of the fencing in the back of the property looks like it could be original. We walked down that little driveway yesterday, photo below.

I took my little doll Hoon, as she has a "changeling" hat like Angelina Jolie wore in the my dolly looks sad like she knows what was at the house :(

"Well, thats my town"... Marc then drove me over to the little house where he had lived.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Who do you want to meet...?

Me and Marc were sitting on the porch tonite and I said "if i could, these are the people i would like to meet: LEONARD COHEN, RINGO STARR, BARACK OBAMA and CAROLE KING."


Friday, May 29, 2009


My dad has a picture of Reagan hanging proudly on his wall. He is an extreme right, hard core, blinders on, old white man Republican. He faithfully listens to Rush Limbaugh. He thought Sarah Palan was a"good choice". He is a Christian FOR the war. He says there is no such thing as Global warming and to prove it he will purposely sit in an idleing car with the air conditioner on while my mom is in the store. He thinks that by the year 2012 the Muslims will have taken over and are coming to kill him personally because he is a Christian. He believes marijuana is the Devil's weed. He sends me Obama hate e-mail know those kind of chain letters spouting nonsence written by god-knows-who, full of untruths. He sent me a picture of Obama walking on water. He sent me a comparison chart to show how similar Obama and Hitler are.
It is really sad that he is so scared. A black man is President...Gays want to be married...what next!!!!!???!!! I try never to argue with him, there would be no point. I love him and I will just nod my head when he is talking. I see the dying Republican Party first hand every time I visit him...I only wish he could see me.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Follow me!!!

YaY---i have 4 followers!!! My husband really thinks this term is funny. So do I ;)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Today we had some "good" mail! Marc and i received our LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) badges. My husband put his badge on his hat, so I figured that a hat was a good place for Fishsticks badge! Of course, she may have to let me borrow it every now and then :)

I heard one of their officer's speak on the radio and really liked what he had to say.

Here is a link to their site:

My First Blog---My First Post

I just got through filing for unemployment electronically. I am 48 years old, have worked since I was 13 ---and never asked for unemployment due to being "terminated". BUT...I am doing it now as the place I worked for is soooooooooooooo wrong about how they treat employees. My termination was completely due to the fact that I tattled on a manager who was openly putting down gays, openly talking sexually about girl co-workers and just an out~n~out jerk. The owner of the company himself humiliated me personally in front of other employees. Illegal workers far outnumbered US workers and it was just a downright shit place to work. Now I wait for ten days to see what the CA unemployment department has to say about my claim.

I now will go and clean the house and my mind ;)