The When-i-get-around-to-it-Blog

Friday, May 29, 2009


My dad has a picture of Reagan hanging proudly on his wall. He is an extreme right, hard core, blinders on, old white man Republican. He faithfully listens to Rush Limbaugh. He thought Sarah Palan was a"good choice". He is a Christian FOR the war. He says there is no such thing as Global warming and to prove it he will purposely sit in an idleing car with the air conditioner on while my mom is in the store. He thinks that by the year 2012 the Muslims will have taken over and are coming to kill him personally because he is a Christian. He believes marijuana is the Devil's weed. He sends me Obama hate e-mail know those kind of chain letters spouting nonsence written by god-knows-who, full of untruths. He sent me a picture of Obama walking on water. He sent me a comparison chart to show how similar Obama and Hitler are.
It is really sad that he is so scared. A black man is President...Gays want to be married...what next!!!!!???!!! I try never to argue with him, there would be no point. I love him and I will just nod my head when he is talking. I see the dying Republican Party first hand every time I visit him...I only wish he could see me.

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