The When-i-get-around-to-it-Blog

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Big Fat Body

Here is me NOT sucking it in....I am starting a regimin TODAY....
Maybe I will Post everything I eat everyday so that people can read...yikes.
Maybe I will reach my dream of getting back to my birthwieght....only a joke. I have to be careful as I am totally freaked out by diets and food.
But I swear i will feel so much better if I just lose about ten pounds. I know nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
I've gained wieght lately, I go up and down..... I am so depressed about this unemployment and our current situation. PLUS, I love chocolate and Mojitos!!!!

1 comment:

  1. err ... transverse abdominal exercises are most likely to help! Please forgive the reference to a post pregnancy site but I found this very helpful. I started out doing the wrong exercises entirely and honestly since I STOPPED doing regular crunches my tummy is starting to flatten out again (only in the last week)
    it's at ... I don't do the exercises there but the "diagnostic" helped. Instead I do the "breath of fire" from yoga. I know you want to kneecap me now. :)
