The When-i-get-around-to-it-Blog

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My First Blog---My First Post

I just got through filing for unemployment electronically. I am 48 years old, have worked since I was 13 ---and never asked for unemployment due to being "terminated". BUT...I am doing it now as the place I worked for is soooooooooooooo wrong about how they treat employees. My termination was completely due to the fact that I tattled on a manager who was openly putting down gays, openly talking sexually about girl co-workers and just an out~n~out jerk. The owner of the company himself humiliated me personally in front of other employees. Illegal workers far outnumbered US workers and it was just a downright shit place to work. Now I wait for ten days to see what the CA unemployment department has to say about my claim.

I now will go and clean the house and my mind ;)


  1. The fact that you stood up for something and then got fired is terrible! I hope that you get the unemployment.

  2. Pretty shitty system where you have to "prove" your entitlement, it sucks bottom, your clearly in the right sweetheart, i do hope your claim is successful..and forget cleaning, go for the pamper Frenchpants option and feel good about your beautiful self xxx

  3. I don't have a work too, Tammy. I was fired from my work two weeks ago. I think I need to clean my house and mind too.

  4. oh that's terrible...I guess this is the price to pay to be brave and honest in the period we're living in?I'm totally with you..)-:

  5. thank you guys :) -----it is like having "nice voices" in my head.
