The When-i-get-around-to-it-Blog

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Wineville Chickencoop Murder House

Marc read the book called Nothing is Strange with You, The Life and Crimes of Gordon Stewart Northcott, because the murders covered in this book took place in Mira Loma about 3 miles from where Marc lived. In 1928, The town changed its name from Wineville to Mira Loma because of the stigma attached to the name after the crimes where discovered.

Only the street where the murders occured still bears the original name. Shortly after Marc read the book about the murder case, the Clint Eastwood film Changeling came out, portraying the horrific story of these murders from a differant angle. (We saw the movie recently---excellant!)

The actual house that Gordon Northcott (the boy killer) built and lived in still stands. It just sold after being in foreclosure for $95,000. We went there today, and it was a pretty creepy overcast day and knowing the history of the tiny farmhouse gave me chills. The property next door still has some of the Chicken Coop structures where the killings took place. The people that live there say that the area is haunted.

The photo on the top to the left, shows the house in 1928, after the gristly killings were uncovered. The bottom photo is from yesterday, the house still looks very similar, and alot of the fencing in the back of the property looks like it could be original. We walked down that little driveway yesterday, photo below.